Monday, May 17, 2010

the calm before the storm

i've decided to make this blog to keep you updated on my summer and to better inform you on how to pray for me and TVR and the ministry happening there!

THREE weeks from now i will be in good ol' plumtree, nc doing my best to learn all the new staff's names (that's a prayer request in and of itself! i'm AWFUL with names!). I could NOT be more excited! This past semester was a difficult semester, with a full load taking 18 credits (in college lingo, that's A LOT!) so a lot got pushed to the back burner, including this summer and my wedding at the end of the summer. but the semester is OVER and wedding plans are in full swing (if i have to tie another bow i will scream!) and camp is closer than ever! i started my day off today by taking the time to pray about life and this summer. i realized there is so much i have going on in life right now and how i haven't really had time to let the magnitute of the ministry i will have this summer sink in. well, this morning i woke up with that burden heavy on my mind. starting today i am committing to pray everyday for summer camp! dr. jerry falwell used to say, "nothing of eternal significance happens outside of prayer." amen and amen! and because i believe in that so much i am commiting to surrounding this ministry in prayer! and i challenge you to join me! pray for every aspect of camp you can think of, to help you get started, here are some things to pray for!
-safety. if safety doesn't happen, ministry doesn't happen
-open hearts of campers
-a humbled staff
-commited leaders
-head staff. they have a lot of responsibility
-finances for everyone. staff and camp
-the program
-the speakers
these are just a few things to get you started!

a personal request you can pray for is me and my heart. this summer will easily be one of the best and most challenging summers i face. i will have so many distractions constantly pulling at me; a wedding, finances, my fiance (lord knows i'm going to miss him a ton!), school. if i for one second take my eyes off of christ, i will fall flat on my face. pray that i will constantly be reminded that nothing matters except for him. all i have to do is focus on him, and he will take care of the rest! also pray for my heart, that God will somehow begin to prepare my heart for the tough situations i will face this summer. and that God will begin to purify my heart for this ministry. i so badly just desire to be a vessel of him, but so often my flesh gets in the way of that. pray that that will not be the case.

thank you so much for all of your prayers and support.
i am sendidng out support letters this week. so if you want me to send you one, give me your address! my email is

the soon to be mrs. roberts!